Planet & Pixels

Program overview

A comprehensive 6-month program to puts us in a journey of sustainable business practices. From understanding the global clean movement to implementing immediate actions and long-term strategies, this course equips participants with the knowledge and skills to create positive change for the organization and communities.


Learning Outcomes

  • Gain a deeper understanding of sustainability challenges and explore innovative business solutions.
  • Develop leadership and teamwork skills to support sustainability initiatives within your organization.
  • To find practical ways to reduce digital waste and develop sustainable practices.
  • Learn to incorporate sustainability into daily business plans and long-term business plans.


Led by industry experts and sustainability practitioners, with diverse backgrounds in sustainability, leadership and technology.

Course organizer

This course is organized by World Clean Up Day, a leading advocate for sustainability and corporate responsibility, and Fujitsu, committed to fostering a culture of sustainability steadily growing worldwide.

Kurs Content

Alles ausklappen
Solution for Business Sustainability Certification
Team For Business Sustainability Certification
Sustainability For Growth Certification